Så nu ska jag bara försöka varva ner och somna snart...kanske kvälls macka först..
Sov gott!
Kisses and Rain
......en låt jag skrev i sommras. Jag ligger och kollar igenom låttexter jag skrivit. Känslor kan vara vackra, precis som den här bilden på ett par händer som jag hittade på google, bra att ha när man bloggar :) ..undra vilken historia dessa händer har? Jag kanske borde skriva en historia om vad jag tror deras händer bär på för hemligheter hihi
VERSE 3-kisses and rain
Your eyes. The secret of your soul. A treasured harmony, that is your way to be.
I’ve attached a glimpse of your soul to mine. Out of a memory created in time, came kisses and rain.
I lie next to you.
The sea mirror us.
A kiss. Where lying on the ground.
I look into your eyes as you see through mine.
The day turns to night.
My lover. A kiss good night.
There will be now tomorrow if today never end. If today is forever then tomorrow is nonexistent and the present is all there is. If you and I live in this moment, then there will be no need for another, when all we live and breath is this minute only existing in the eyes of the other and ever so slowly holding our breath, while our love encapsulates our entire being never wanting to let go.
…One subtle taste as succulent and smooth as only he can be to her. Her vision dissolves into nothing and her senses complete him. Never again will they walk the cries of night alone.